Running Anaconda with DGL and mxnet on CUDA GPU in Spark running in EMR

Today I’m going to share my configuration for running custom Anaconda Python with DGL (Deep Graph Library) and mxnet library, with GPU support via CUDA, running in Spark hosted in EMR. Actually, I have Redshift configuration as well, with support for gensim, tensorflow, keras, theano, pygpu, and cloudpickle. You can also install more libraries if … Continue reading Running Anaconda with DGL and mxnet on CUDA GPU in Spark running in EMR

Connecting to Redshift from Spark running in EMR

Today I’ll share my configuration for Spark running in EMR to connect to Redshift cluster. First, I assume the cluster is accessible (so configure virtual subnet, allowed IPs and all network stuff before running this). I’m using Zeppelin so I’ll show two interpreters configured for the connection, but the same thing should work with standalone … Continue reading Connecting to Redshift from Spark running in EMR

JVM Inside Out Part 4 — Locks and out of band exceptions

This is the fourth part of the JVM Inside Out series. For your convenience you can find other parts in the table of contents in Part 1 — Getting object address Typical locking pattern in Java (and other languages, even outside them JVM ecosystem) looks like this: Simple enough, nothing should break here. However, there … Continue reading JVM Inside Out Part 4 — Locks and out of band exceptions