Bit Twiddling Part 5 — Fixing audio latency in mstsc.exe (RDP)

This is the fifth part of the Bit Twiddling series. For your convenience you can find other parts in the table of contents in Par 1 — Modifying Android application on a binary level Today we’re going to fix the audio latency in mstsc.exe. Something that people really ask about on the Internet and there … Continue reading Bit Twiddling Part 5 — Fixing audio latency in mstsc.exe (RDP)

Serializing collections with Jackson in Scala and renaming the nested element

This is a workaround for XML collection duplicated element names that I was fixing recently. We use case classes in Scala and the Jackson library for XML serialization. We have a class that has a list of some nested class. When serializing it, we would like to name the nested element properly. We start with … Continue reading Serializing collections with Jackson in Scala and renaming the nested element

Bit Twiddling Part 4 — Disabling CTRL+ALT+HOME in mstsc.exe (Windows RDP client)

This is the fourth part of the Bit Twiddling series. For your convenience you can find other parts in the table of contents in Par 1 — Modifying Android application on a binary level Today we’re going to disable CTRL+ALT+HOME shortcut in mstsc. We want to disable the shortcut so it doesn’t “unfocus” the RDP … Continue reading Bit Twiddling Part 4 — Disabling CTRL+ALT+HOME in mstsc.exe (Windows RDP client)

Availability Anywhere Part 27 — Tools for remote work from laptops and XR/VR/AR

This is the twentieth seventh part of the Availability Anywhere series. For your convenience you can find other parts in the table of contents in Part 1 – Connecting to SSH tunnel automatically in Windows Last time we discussed how to work remotely. Let’s now look at that from a different perspective and see various … Continue reading Availability Anywhere Part 27 — Tools for remote work from laptops and XR/VR/AR