This is the third part of the STM32 series. For your convenience you can find other parts in the table of contents in Part 1 – DES implementation
Today we are going to handle some network packages on the STM32. Let’s go.
Libraries around
I am not going to describe how to handle SPI, LEDs and buttons on your microcontroller. First, because the code is in tutorials you get after buying the hardware, second, because I cannot post the code because of legal restrictions. However, there is no magic in this area.
The code was heavily based on the work of Guido Socher. I would like to thank him for posting this code somewhere because it made the project much easier.
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/********************************************* * vim:sw=8:ts=8:si:et * To use the above modeline in vim you must have "set modeline" in your .vimrc * * Author: Guido Socher * Copyright: GPL V2 * See * * IP, Arp, UDP and TCP functions. * * The TCP implementation uses some size optimisations which are valid * only if all data can be sent in one single packet. This is however * not a big limitation for a microcontroller as you will anyhow use * small web-pages. The TCP stack is therefore a SDP-TCP stack (single data packet TCP). * * Chip type : ATMEGA88 with ENC28J60 *********************************************/ #include "net.h" #include "enc28j60.h" extern void Delay(__IO uint32_t nTick); #define pgm_read_byte(ptr) ((uint8_t)*(ptr)) //#define uint8_t uint8_t //#define uint8_t unisgned int static uint8_t macaddr[6]; static uint8_t ipaddr[4]; static uint16_t info_hdr_len; static uint16_t info_data_len; static uint8_t seqnum; // my initial tcp sequence number = 0xA // The Ip checksum is calculated over the ip header only starting // with the header length field and a total length of 20 bytes // unitl ip.dst // You must set the IP checksum field to zero before you start // the calculation. // len for ip is 20. // // For UDP/TCP we do not make up the required pseudo header. Instead we // use the ip.src and ip.dst fields of the real packet: // The udp checksum calculation starts with the ip.src field // Ip.src=4bytes,Ip.dst=4 bytes,Udp header=8bytes + data length=16+len // In other words the len here is 8 + length over which you actually // want to calculate the checksum. // You must set the checksum field to zero before you start // the calculation. // len for udp is: 8 + 8 + data length // len for tcp is: 4+4 + 20 + option len + data length // // For more information on how this algorithm works see: // // // The RFC has also a C code example: uint16_t checksum(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len,uint8_t type) { // type 0=ip // 1=udp // 2=tcp uint32_t sum = 0; //if(type==0){ // // do not add anything //} if(type==1) { sum+=IP_PROTO_UDP_V; // protocol udp // the length here is the length of udp (data+header len) // =length given to this function - (IP.scr+IP.dst length) sum+=len-8; // = real tcp len } if(type==2) { sum+=IP_PROTO_TCP_V; // the length here is the length of tcp (data+header len) // =length given to this function - (IP.scr+IP.dst length) sum+=len-8; // = real tcp len } // build the sum of 16bit words while(len >1) { sum += 0xFFFF & (*buf<<8|*(buf+1)); buf+=2; len-=2; } // if there is a byte left then add it (padded with zero) if (len) sum += (0xFF & *buf)<<8; // now calculate the sum over the bytes in the sum // until the result is only 16bit long while (sum>>16) sum = (sum & 0xFFFF)+(sum >> 16); // build 1's complement: return( (uint16_t) sum ^ 0xFFFF); } // you must call this function once before you use any of the other functions: void init_ip_arp_udp_tcp(uint8_t *mymac,uint8_t *myip) { uint8_t i=0; info_hdr_len=0; info_data_len=0; seqnum=0xA; while(i<4) { ipaddr[i]=myip[i]; i++; } i=0; while(i<6) { macaddr[i]=mymac[i]; i++; } } uint8_t eth_type_is_arp_and_my_ip(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) { uint8_t i=0; // if (len<41) return(0); if(buf[ETH_TYPE_H_P] != ETHTYPE_ARP_H_V || buf[ETH_TYPE_L_P] != ETHTYPE_ARP_L_V) return(0); while(i<4) { if(buf[ETH_ARP_DST_IP_P+i] != ipaddr[i]) return(0); i++; } return(1); } uint8_t eth_type_is_ip_and_my_ip(uint8_t *buf,uint8_t len) { uint8_t i=0; //eth+ip+udp header is 42 if (len<42) return(0); if(buf[ETH_TYPE_H_P]!=ETHTYPE_IP_H_V || buf[ETH_TYPE_L_P]!=ETHTYPE_IP_L_V) return(0); if (buf[IP_HEADER_LEN_VER_P]!=0x45) { // must be IP V4 and 20 byte header return(0); } while(i<4) { if(buf[IP_DST_P+i]!=ipaddr[i]) return(0); i++; } return(1); } // make a return eth header from a received eth packet void make_eth(uint8_t *buf) { uint8_t i=0; // //copy the destination mac from the source and fill my mac into src while(i<6) { buf[ETH_DST_MAC +i]=buf[ETH_SRC_MAC +i]; buf[ETH_SRC_MAC +i]=macaddr[i]; i++; } } void fill_ip_hdr_checksum(uint8_t *buf) { uint16_t ck; // clear the 2 byte checksum buf[IP_CHECKSUM_P]=0; buf[IP_CHECKSUM_P+1]=0; buf[IP_FLAGS_P]=0x40; // don't fragment buf[IP_FLAGS_P+1]=0; // fragement offset buf[IP_TTL_P]=64; // ttl // calculate the checksum: ck=checksum(&buf[IP_P], IP_HEADER_LEN,0); buf[IP_CHECKSUM_P]=ck>>8; buf[IP_CHECKSUM_P+1]=ck& 0xff; } // make a return ip header from a received ip packet void make_ip(uint8_t *buf) { uint8_t i=0; while(i<4) { buf[IP_DST_P+i]=buf[IP_SRC_P+i]; buf[IP_SRC_P+i]=ipaddr[i]; i++; } fill_ip_hdr_checksum(buf); } // make a return ip header from a received ip packet for echo reply void make_ip_echo(uint8_t *buf) { uint8_t i=0; uint16_t ck; while(i<4) { buf[IP_DST_P+i]=buf[IP_SRC_P+i]; buf[IP_SRC_P+i]=ipaddr[i]; i++; } // clear the 2 byte checksum i = buf[IP_CHECKSUM_P]; buf[IP_CHECKSUM_P]=0; buf[IP_CHECKSUM_P+1]=0; buf[IP_FLAGS_P]=0x40; // don't fragment buf[IP_FLAGS_P+1]=0; // fragement offset buf[IP_TTL_P]=64; // ttl // calculate the checksum: ck=checksum(&buf[IP_P], IP_HEADER_LEN,0); buf[IP_CHECKSUM_P]=i; buf[IP_CHECKSUM_P+1]=ck& 0xff; } void make_arp_answer_from_request(uint8_t *buf) { uint8_t i=0; // make_eth(buf); buf[ETH_ARP_OPCODE_H_P]=ETH_ARP_OPCODE_REPLY_H_V; buf[ETH_ARP_OPCODE_L_P]=ETH_ARP_OPCODE_REPLY_L_V; // fill the mac addresses: while(i<6) { buf[ETH_ARP_DST_MAC_P+i]=buf[ETH_ARP_SRC_MAC_P+i]; buf[ETH_ARP_SRC_MAC_P+i]=macaddr[i]; i++; } i=0; while(i<4) { buf[ETH_ARP_DST_IP_P+i]=buf[ETH_ARP_SRC_IP_P+i]; buf[ETH_ARP_SRC_IP_P+i]=ipaddr[i]; i++; } // eth+arp is 42 bytes: enc28j60PacketSend(42,buf); } void make_echo_reply_from_request(uint8_t *buf,uint16_t len) { make_eth(buf); make_ip(buf); buf[ICMP_TYPE_P]=ICMP_TYPE_ECHOREPLY_V; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // we changed only the icmp.type field from request(=8) to reply(=0). // we can therefore easily correct the checksum: if (buf[ICMP_CHECKSUM_P] > (0xff-0x08)) buf[ICMP_CHECKSUM_P+1]++; buf[ICMP_CHECKSUM_P]+=0x08; // enc28j60PacketSend(len,buf); } // you can send a max of 220 bytes of data void make_udp_reply_from_request(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *data,uint8_t datalen,uint16_t* port) { uint8_t i=0; uint16_t ck; make_eth(buf); if (datalen>220) datalen=220; // total length field in the IP header must be set: buf[IP_TOTLEN_H_P]=0; buf[IP_TOTLEN_L_P]=IP_HEADER_LEN+UDP_HEADER_LEN+datalen; make_ip(buf); buf[UDP_DST_PORT_H_P]=*port >> 8; buf[UDP_DST_PORT_L_P]=*port & 0xff; // source port does not matter and is what the sender used. // calculte the udp length: buf[UDP_LEN_H_P]=0; buf[UDP_LEN_L_P]=UDP_HEADER_LEN+datalen; // zero the checksum buf[UDP_CHECKSUM_H_P]=0; buf[UDP_CHECKSUM_L_P]=0; // copy the data: while(i<datalen) { buf[UDP_DATA_P+i]=data[i]; i++; } ck=checksum(&buf[IP_SRC_P], 16 + datalen,1); buf[UDP_CHECKSUM_H_P]=ck>>8; buf[UDP_CHECKSUM_L_P]=ck& 0xff; enc28j60PacketSend(UDP_HEADER_LEN+IP_HEADER_LEN+ETH_HEADER_LEN+datalen,buf); } // do some basic length calculations and store the result in static varibales void init_len_info(uint8_t *buf) { info_data_len=(buf[IP_TOTLEN_H_P]<<8)|(buf[IP_TOTLEN_L_P]&0xff); info_data_len-=IP_HEADER_LEN; info_hdr_len=(buf[TCP_HEADER_LEN_P]>>4)*4; // generate len in bytes; info_data_len-=info_hdr_len; if (info_data_len<=0) info_data_len=0; } /* end of ip_arp_udp.c */ |
We have most of the code in place. Next time we are going to implement a server for encryption and decryption.