Bit Twiddling Part 6 — Stop RDP from detaching GUI when the client disconnects

This is the sixth part of the Bit Twiddling series. For your convenience you can find other parts in the table of contents in Par 1 — Modifying Android application on a binary level Today we’re going to solve the problem when the remote server disconnects GUI when we lock the workstation or disconnect. Let’s … Continue reading Bit Twiddling Part 6 — Stop RDP from detaching GUI when the client disconnects

Availability Anywhere Part 27 — Tools for remote work from laptops and XR/VR/AR

This is the twentieth seventh part of the Availability Anywhere series. For your convenience you can find other parts in the table of contents in Part 1 – Connecting to SSH tunnel automatically in Windows Last time we discussed how to work remotely. Let’s now look at that from a different perspective and see various … Continue reading Availability Anywhere Part 27 — Tools for remote work from laptops and XR/VR/AR

Availability Anywhere Part 26 — Working remotely like a pro

This is the twentieth sixth part of the Availability Anywhere series. For your convenience you can find other parts in the table of contents in Part 1 – Connecting to SSH tunnel automatically in Windows Over the years I improved my remote work setup significantly. This blog post summarizes what various approaches I took and … Continue reading Availability Anywhere Part 26 — Working remotely like a pro

Availability Anywhere Part 23 — RDP over VR goggles with no PCVR

This is the twentieth third part of the Availability Anywhere series. For your convenience you can find other parts in the table of contents in Part 1 – Connecting to SSH tunnel automatically in Windows In this part we’re going to see how we can work remotely from VR goggles with no PCVR around. Effectively, … Continue reading Availability Anywhere Part 23 — RDP over VR goggles with no PCVR

Availability Anywhere Part 22 — Customer Experience Improvement Program restarts

This is the twentieth second part of the Availability Anywhere series. For your convenience you can find other parts in the table of contents in Part 1 – Connecting to SSH tunnel automatically in Windows I was recently investigating a case of a computer restarting every Sunday at 3AM UTC. I couldn’t figure out what … Continue reading Availability Anywhere Part 22 — Customer Experience Improvement Program restarts